News, Updates, & Resources

Is the cooperative management style a sign of weakness?

Leadership is not a privilege – It is a service !
The focus is on people.

Entrepreneur conference in Wipperfürth, Germany

It is the mindset of the entrepreneur that sets the framework for the company and thus also shapes the culture of the company itself.
The employees expect that there is a WHY! 

Business Dimensions of Digitalization

A successful Digital Transformation is directly dependent on the different dimensions within a company.
The focus is on people.

Basic Aspects of Digital Transformation

Basic Aspects of Digital Transformation

The Digital Transformation is more than just the digitization of analog data.
All companies today process data in digital form, use digital processes and communicate digitally.
We are in a fundamental change that affects all areas of life.

Interview Steve Wozniak

Interview Steve Wozniak

In today’s world, every business needs to evolve, and change has become the norm. Any company that does not constantly evolve will not be able to market its services sooner or later.
Steve and I agreed on the skills an entrepreneur need to transform his company.
⇒ A solution must be simple!

Digitization vs. Digitalization vs. Digital Transformation

Digitization vs. Digitalization vs. Digital Transformation

Many talk about digital transformation, digitalization or even other terms and synonyms.
Today, I go into three essential terms and look at them in detail.
There is no digital transformation and no digitalization without digitization (of paper and processes).




Rote Höhe 23
51688 Wipperfürth